1997.09-2001.07 天津大学力学系学习,获工学学士学位
2001.08-2006.03 天津大学力学系学习,获工学博士学位(硕博连读)
2018.12-至今 学院 澳门永利最老登录入口教授 博士生导师
2012.01-2013.01 挪威 奥斯陆大学 生态与进化中心(UiO: CEES) 访问学者
2008.09-2018.12 学院 澳门永利最老登录入口 副教授 硕士生导师
2008.05-2008.08 荷兰 瓦赫宁根大学(WUR) 水生态与水质量研究中心 访问学者
2006.04-2008.04 天津大学 澳门永利最老登录入口 博士后研究
Frontiers in Marine Science期刊Associate Editor in Marine Pollution
1. Ning Gao, Lanpeng Yang, Xueqiang Lu, Lin Zhu, Jianfeng Feng*, Non-negligible vector effect of micro(nano)plastics on tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate in zebrafish quantified by toxicokinetic model, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 463,2024,132928
2. He, W., Ding, J., Gao, N. Feng ,J*. Elucidating the toxicity mechanisms of organophosphate esters by adverse outcome pathway network. Archives of Toxicology (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00204-023-03624-y
3. An He, Lanpeng Yang, Lin Zhu, Jianfeng Feng*, A refined toxicokinetic model for quantifying the interaction between Cd and Cu in zebrafish larvae, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 263,2023,115303
4. Feng, J*., Li, S., Li, X. et al. Coupling strength between omnivory loops and their one-species-delete subloops drives real food web stability. Theor Ecol (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12080-023-00568-y
5. Wang, M., Liu, X., Qu, L. Feng J*.. Untangling microbiota diversity and assembly patterns in the world’s longest underground culvert water diversion canal. Environ Monit Assess 195, 981 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-023-11593-z
6. Wenjing Fu, Xiaoke Pang, Yifan Zhao, Chenglong Han, Yufei Liu, Xue Yu, Jianfeng Feng, Jing Fang, Bo Zhang, Xueqiang Lu, Climatic effect from oyster reef restoration in Spartina alterniflora invaded intertidal mudflat: From the perspective of CH4 and N2O production, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science,291,2023,108437
7. Pang, X.; Fu, W.; Feng, J.; Guo, B.; Lin, X.; Lu, X. The Complete Mitochondrial Genome of the Hermit Crab Diogenes edwardsii (Anomura: Diogenidae) and Phylogenetic Relationships within Infraorder Anomura. Genes 2023, 14, 470
8. 张颖, 孟伟庆, 王洪成, 徐文斌, 员浩帆, 黄执美, 鲁雅兰, 冯剑丰. 基于时空地理加权模型的中国沿海地区自然资本动态演变与生态补偿. 生态学杂志, 2023, 42 (02): 481-492.
9. 员浩帆, 张颖, 徐文斌, 孟伟庆, 冯剑丰. 基于生命周期方法的城市绿地生态环境负面影响评估. 生态学杂志, 2023, 42 (02): 493-503.
10. Wanyu He, Jiaqi Ding, Wanni Liu, Wenjue Zhong, Lingyan Zhu, Lin Zhu, Jianfeng Feng*. Occurrence, bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of organophosphate esters in marine food webs: Evidence from three bays in Bohai Sea, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 160658.
11. Lanpeng Yang, Jing Zeng, Ning Gao, Lin Zhu, and Jianfeng Feng*, Elucidating the Differences in Metal Toxicity by Quantitative Adverse Outcome Pathways. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022 56 (18), 13233-13244
12. Ning Gao, Lanpeng Yang, Xueqiang Lu, Zhenghua Duan, Lin Zhu, Jianfeng Feng*, A review of interactions of microplastics and typical pollutants from toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics perspective, Journal of Hazardous Materials,432,2022,128736
13. Xue Bai, Yueming Jiang, Zhendong Jiang, Lin Zhu, Jianfeng Feng*, Nutrient potentiate the responses of plankton community structure and metabolites to cadmium: A microcosm study, Journal of Hazardous Materials,430,2022,128506
14. Li Shengpeng, Wang Ruyue, Jiang Yueming, Li Yanyu, Zhu Lin, Feng Jianfeng*. Seasonal Variation of Food Web Structure and Stability of a Typical Artificial Reef Ecosystem in Bohai Sea, China. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9(2022),830324
15. Shiyu Wang, Rolf D. Vogt, Jacob Carstensen, Yan Lin, Jianfeng Feng, Xueqiang Lu*. Riverine flux of dissolved phosphorus to the coastal sea may be overestimated, especially in estuaries of gated rivers: Implications of phosphorus adsorption/desorption on suspended sediments, Chemosphere, 287(2022), 132206
16. Tan, J.; Wang, W.; Feng, J. Transient Dynamics Analysis of a Predator-Prey System with Square Root Functional Responses and Random Perturbation. Mathematics 2022, 10, 4087
17. Bai, X.; Jiang, Z.; Fang, Y.; Zhu, L.; Feng, J*. Effects of Environmental Concentrations of Total Phosphorus on the Plankton Community Structure and Function in a Microcosm Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 8412
18. Liu, W.; Zhang, H.; Ding, J.; He, W.; Zhu, L.; Feng, J*. Waterborne and Dietary Bioaccumulation of Organophosphate Esters in Zooplankton Daphnia magna. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 9382
19. Wu, F.; Fang, Y.; Feng, M.; Xie, Z.; Zhu, L.; Feng, J*. Developing Ecological Thresholds for Nitrogen and Phosphorus in the Haihe River Basin in China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 16951
20. 张子玥,杨薇,孙涛,舒安平,冯剑丰,刘海飞.觉华岛海域人工鱼礁生态系统能量传递与功能研究.海洋环境科学,2022,41(04):636-643.
21. 魏晓雪,田晨,冯剑丰,朱琳.磷限制条件下单胞藻胞内磷储量差异机理研究.环境科学研究,2022,35(06):1398-1406.
22. 魏晓雪,石峰,陈子熙,冯剑丰,朱琳.三角褐指藻及其藻际细菌对不同无机氮源的响应.海洋科学,2022,46(01):10-21.
23. Yongfei Gao,Weiran Wu, Kexin Qiao, Jianfeng Feng, Lin Zhu, Xiaoshan Zhu. Bioavailability and toxicity of silver nanoparticles: Determination based on toxicokinetic–toxicodynamic processes, Water Research, 204(2021), 117603
24. Lanpeng Yang, Jianfeng Feng*, Yongfei Gao, Lin Zhu. Role of Toxicokinetic and Toxicodynamic Parameters in Explaining the Sensitivity of Zebrafish Larvae to Four Metals. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021,55, 13, 8965–8976
25. Feng Jianfeng*, Stige Leif, Hessen Dag, Zuo, Zhiling, Zhu Lin, Stenthet Nils*. A threshold sea-surface temperature at 14 °C for phytoplankton nonlinear responses to ocean warming. Global Biogeochemical Cycles,35 (2021), e2020GB006808
26. Yongfei Gao, Ruyue Wang, Yanyu Li, Xuebin Ding, Yueming Jiang, Jianfeng Feng*, Lin Zhu. Trophic transfer of heavy metals in the marine food web based on tissue residuals, Science of the Total Environment, 772 (2021) 145064
27. Yongfei Gao, Zhicheng Xie, Jingxue Zhu, Honglei Cao, Jianguo Tan, Jianfeng Feng*, Lin Zhu*. Understanding the effects of metal pre-exposure on the sensitivity of zebrafish larvae to metal toxicity: A toxicokinetics–toxicodynamics approach. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 209 (2021) 111788
28. Yongfei Gao, Yanlong Qiao, Yushan Xu, Lin Zhu*, Jianfeng Feng*. Assessment of the transfer of heavy metals in seawater, sediment, biota samples and determination the baseline tissue concentrations of metals in marine organisms, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021,28, 28764–28776
29. Menglin Liu, Fengfeng Dong, Shujun Yi, Yuming Zhu, Jian Zhou, Binbin Sun, Guoqiang Shan, Jianfeng Feng, Lingyan Zhu*. Probing Mechanisms for the Tissue-Specific Distribution and Biotransformation of Perfluoroalkyl Phosphinic Acids in Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio), Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 8, 4932-4941.
30. Yongfei Gao, Zhicheng Xie, Jianfeng Feng*, Lin Zhu, A biological characteristic extrapolation of compound toxicity for different developmental stage species with toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 203 (2020) 111043.
31. Yongfei Gao, Jianfeng Feng*, Jingxue Zhu, Lin Zhu. Predicting copper toxicity in zebrafish larvae under complex water chemistry conditions by using a toxicokinetic–toxicodynamic model. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 400 (2020) 123205.
32. Jianguo Tan*, Yahua Tan, Yongfeng Guo, Jianfeng Feng. Almost sure exponential stability of numerical solutions for stochastic delay Hopfield neural networks with jumps, Physica A, 545 (2020) 123782.
33. Fan Wu,Yongfei Gao, Zhiling Zuo, Jianfeng Feng *,Zhenguang Yan, Lin Zhu. Different decreasing rates of chemical threshold concentrations can be explained by their toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic characteristics, Science of the Total Environment, 708(2020) 135234.
34. Yongfei Gao, Zhicheng Xie, Jianfeng Feng *, Weiqi Ma, Lin Zhu. Different factors determined the toxicokinetics of organic chemicals and nanomaterials exposure to zebrafish (Danio Rerio). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 186 (2019) 109810.
35. An He, Xinyong Liu, Liang Qu, Yongfei Gao, Jianfeng Feng *, and Lin Zhu*. Comparison of the General Threshold Model of Survival and Dose–Response Models in Simulating the Acute Toxicity of Metals to Danio rerio, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2019,38(10): 2169–2177.
36. Yongfei Gao, Yan Zhang, Jianfeng Feng*, Lin Zhu. Toxicokinetic−toxicodynamic modeling of cadmium and lead toxicity to larvae and adult zebrafish, Environmental Pollution, 2019, 251:221-229.
37. Yan Zhang, Jianfeng Feng*, Yongfei Gao, Xinyong Liu, Liang Qu, Lin Zhu. Physiologically based toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic (PBTK-TD) modelling of Cd and Pb exposure in adult zebrafish Danio rerio: Accumulation and toxicity. Environmental Pollution, 2019, 249:959-968.
38. Mengdi Xie, Yingxue Sun, Jianfeng Feng*, Yongfei Gao, Lin Zhu. Predicting the toxic effects of Cu and Cd on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with a DEBtox model. Aquatic Toxicology, 2019, 210:106-116.
39. Min Chen, Yongfei Gao, Xiaoxue Bian, Jianfeng Feng*, Weiqi Ma, Lin Zhu*. Predicting the survival of zebrafish larvae exposed to fluctuating pulses of lead and cadmium.Chemosphere,2019, 223:599-607.
40. Xia Liu, Jianfeng Feng*, Yuqiu Wang*. Chlorophyll a predictability and relative importance of factors governing lake phytoplankton at different timescales. Science of the Total Environment,2019,648: 472-480.
41. YongfeiGao, LiliKang, YanZhang, JianfengFeng*, Lin Zhu.Toxicokinetic and toxicodynamic (TK-TD) modeling to study oxidative stress-dependent toxicity of heavy metals in zebrafish.Chemosphere,2019, 220:774-782.
42. 冯剑丰,高永飞,朱景雪等. 毒代-毒效动力学模型及其在金属水生态风险评估中的应用研究进展. 环境工程,2019,37(11):10-18.
43. Jianfeng Feng*, Yongfei Gao,Min Chen, et al. Predicting cadmium and lead toxicities in zebrafish (Danio rerio) larvae by using a toxicokinetic–toxicodynamic model that considers the effects of cations. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 625: 1584–1595.
44. Feng Shi, Xiaoxue Wei, Jianfeng Feng*, Yingxue Sun, Lin Zhu*. Variation of bacterial community associated with Phaeodactylum tricornutum in response to different inorganic nitrogen concentrations. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 2018,37(12):118-128.
45. Gao Y, Feng J*, Kang L, et al. Concentration addition and independent action model: Which is better in predicting the toxicity for metal mixtures on zebrafish larvae. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 610-611:442.
46. Jianfeng Feng*, Yongfei Gao, Yijun Ji, Lin Zhu. Quantifying the interactions among metal mixtures in toxicodynamic process with generalized linear model. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018,345:97-106.
47. 石峰,魏晓雪,冯剑丰,朱琳.不同无机氮条件下一种硅藻的氮吸收动力学及模型预测分析.农业环境科学学报,2018,37(9):1833-1841.
48. Xia Liu, Jianfeng Feng*, Yinhuan Qiao, Yuqiu Wang and Lin Zhu. Assessment of the Effects of Total Emission Control Policies on Surface Water Quality in China: 2004 to 2014. Journal of Environmental Quality, 2017,46:605-613.
49. Yongfei Gao, Jianfeng Feng*, Cancan Wang, Lin Zhu*: Modeling interactions and toxicity of Cu-Zn mixtures to zebrafish larvae. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017, 138:146-153.
50. Yinhuan Qiao, Jianfeng Feng*, Shangfa Cui, Lin Zhu. Long-term changes in nutrients, chlorophyll a and their relationships in a semi-enclosed eutrophic ecosystem, Bohai Bay, China.Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017, 117:222-228.
51. Y Gao , J Feng* , L Zhu. Toxicodynamic modeling of zebrafish larvae to metals using stochastic death and individual tolerance models: comparisons of model assumptions, parameter sensitivity and predictive performance. Ecotoxicology, 2017, 26 (3) :1-13.
52. Xue Li, Jianfeng Feng*, Christopher Wellen, Yuqiu Wang. A Bayesian approach of high impaired river reaches identification and total nitrogen load estimation in a sparsely monitored basin. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(1):987-996.
53. Qiao Y, Feng J*, Liu X, et al. Surface water pH variations and trends in China from 2004 to 2014. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, 2016, 188(7):443.
54. Yongfei Gao, Jianfeng Feng*, Lin Zhu*.Internal concentration as a better predictor of metal toxicity than the fractional coverage of metals on biotic ligand: Comparison of three modeling approaches. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry,2016, 35(11):2721-2733.
55. Feng J, Guo Y, Gao Y, Zhu L*. Effects of Hypoxia on the Physiology of Zebrafish (Danio rerio): Initial Responses, Acclimation and Recovery. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2016, 96(1): 43-48.
56. Gao Y, Feng J*, Han F, Zhu L*. Application of Biotic Ligand and Toxicokinetic–Toxicodynamic Modeling to Predict the Accumulation and Toxicity of Metal Mixtures to Zebrafish Larvae. Environmental Pollution, 2016, 213:16~29.
57. 李文娇,冯剑丰*,朱琳,乔银环.批次培养条件下三角褐指藻对不同磷胁迫压力及恢复的响应.海洋环境科学,2016,35(6):894-900.
58. 王灿灿,陈旭,冯剑丰,杜鑫,赵倩,高永飞,朱琳.有机氯农药在东方白鹳组织里的浓度.中国环境科学,2016,36(9):2807-2814
59. Feng, J., J. M. Durant, L. C. Stige, D. O. Hessen, D. Ø. Hjermann, L. Zhu, M. Llope, and N. C. Stenseth*, Contrasting correlation patterns between environmental factors and chlorophyll levels in the global ocean, Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 2015,29, 2095-2107.
60. Gao Y, Feng J*, Zhu L*. Prediction of acute toxicity of cadmium and lead to zebrafish larvae by using a refined toxicokinetic-toxicodynamic model. Aquatic Toxicology, 2015, 169: 37-45.
61. 张文亮,刘泓,冯剑丰,朱琳,刘玉,马志华.渤海湾入海溶解无机氮总量控制研究.中国环境监测,2015,31(01):41-44.
62. 周慧敏,冯剑丰*,朱琳,李文娇.温度、光照和磷酸盐脉冲输入对三角褐指藻的交互影响.中国环境科学,2015,35(1):244-250.
63. 周亚,朱琳,冯剑丰,杨光.应用生物配体模型研究铅和镉及其混合物联合毒性.生态毒理学报,2015,10(4):47-54
64. Feng J*, Stige L C, Durant J M, D. O. Hessen, L. Zhu, D. Ø. Hjermann, M. Llope, and N. C. Stenseth. Large-scale season-dependent effects of temperature and zooplankton on phytoplankton in the North Atlantic. Mar. Ecol. Progr. Ser., 2014, 502: 25-31.
65. Hongxia Ming, Lin Zhu, Jianfeng Feng, Guang Yang. Risk Assessment for Rotavirus Infection in Surface Seawater from Bohai Bay, China via Detection of Infectious Rotaviruses. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment ,2014,20:929-940.
66. 周慧敏, 冯剑丰*, 朱琳. 基于GAM的渤海中部水体叶绿素a环境因子影响分析. 海洋环境科学, 2014, 33(4):531-536.
67. 耿文华,陈继淼,冯剑丰,朱琳.辽河浮游植物群落及生物多样性验证.中国环境科学,2014,34(1):239-245
68. 刘芸, 冯剑丰*. 天津近岸海域2004-2012年水化学环境的变化趋势分析. 海洋通报,2014,33(2):215-221
69. Chunguang Liu, Junli Wang, Jianfeng Feng. Effects of suspended particles on the growth of two red-tide phytoplankton species of Bohai Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletion, 2013,74(1):220-224.
70. 牛海凤,冯剑丰,周慧敏,朱琳. 脉冲式磷酸盐输入在不同温度下对三角褐指藻生长的影响. 海洋环境科学2013,32(5):657-662.
71. Jianfeng Feng*, Vasilis Dakos, Egbert H. van Nes. Does predator-interference cause alternative stable states in multispecies communities? Theoretical Population Biology,2012,82(3):170-176.
72. FENG Jianfeng, ZHU Lin. Changing trends and relationship between global ocean chlorophyll and sea surface temperature. Procedia Environmental Sciences,2012,13:626-631.
73. 段梦, 朱琳, 冯剑丰.基于浮游生物群落变化的生态学基准值计算方法初探. 环境科学研究,2012,25(2):125-132.
74. 冯剑丰, 王秀明,孟伟庆,李洪远,朱琳. 天津近岸海域夏季大型底栖生物群落结构变化特征. 生态学报, 2011,31(20) : 5875-5885.
75. 李晴新,冯剑丰,朱琳. 生态能质(Eco-exergy)在水生生态系统建模和评价中的应用,生态学杂志,2011,30(2):376-383.
76. Jianfeng Feng, Lin Zhu. Stability of Ecosystem Induced by Mutual Interference between Predators. Procedia Environmental Sciences,2010,2:42-48
77. 冯剑丰,朱琳,王洪礼. 基于EwE渤海湾近岸海洋生态系统特性研究,海洋环境科学,2010,29(6): 781-784.
78. 冯剑丰,谭建国,陈威. 随机干扰下湖泊生态系统的稳定性与稳态转换[J]. 海洋技术,2010,29(2):72-75.
79. 樊娟,刘春光,冯剑丰. 海洋生态动力学模型在海洋环境保护中的应用,海洋通报,2010,29(1):78-83.
80. 冯剑丰,李宇,朱琳. 生态系统功能与生态系统服务的概念辨析.生态环境学报,2009,18(4):1599-1603.
81. 冯剑丰,王洪礼,朱琳. 生态系统多稳态研究进展.生态环境学报,2009,18(4):1553-1559.
82. 李胜朋,冯剑丰,王洪礼. 基于Copula的海洋生态系统的稳态转换.天津大学学报,2009,42(6):533-538.
83. 李胜朋,王洪礼,冯剑丰. 基于不连续回归树的最大李雅谱诺夫指数计算方法.机械强度,2009,(1): 51-54.
84. Huang, D.W, Wang, H. L, Feng, J. F. Modelling algal densities in harmful algal blooms (HAB) with stochastic dynamics. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2008. 32(7):1318-1326.
85. Feng Jianfeng, Wang Hongli, Huang Dongwei. Deterministric and Stochastic Dynamics Analysis of a Predator-prey Model with Function III Response, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems-B,2007,14:57-61.
86. 冯剑丰,王洪礼,李会民.渤海湾近10年来COD的变化趋势与污染风险研究,天津大学学报,2007,40(11):1377-1381
87. Huang Dong-Wei, Gao Qin, Wang Hong-Li, Feng Jian-Feng. On chaotic motion of some stochastic nonlinear dynamic system. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2007, 31(1):242-246.
88. 冯剑丰,李会民,王洪礼.浮游生态系统非线性动力学研究,海洋技术,2007,26(3):67-69.
89. 冯剑丰,王洪礼,李胜朋. 基于支持向量机的赤潮预测研究,海洋环境科学,2007,26(5):438-441
90. 冯剑丰,王洪礼,李胜朋.渤海湾赤潮藻类的超阈值分布研究,天津大学学报,2007,40(10):1194-1198.
91. 李怀宇,王洪礼,郭嘉良,冯剑丰.基于DEA的天津市海洋生态经济可持续发展评价.海洋技术,2007(03):101-104.
92. 郭嘉良,王洪礼,李怀宇,冯剑丰.海洋生态经济健康评价系统研究.海洋技术,2007(02):28-30.
93. Feng Jianfeng*, Wang Hongli, Huang Dongwei, Zhu Zhiwen. Alternative Attractors in Marine Ecosystems: a Comparative Analysis of Fishing Effects, Ecological Modelling, 2006,195(3-4):377-384.
94. Huang Dongwei, Wang Hongli, Feng Jianfeng, Zhu Zhiwen. The Study on Stochastic Hopf Bifurcation of HABs Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamics, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals,2006,27(4):1072-1079.
95. 卢志永,冯剑丰,王洪礼,李胜朋.赤潮综合集成预警系统的设计与开发.海洋技术,2006(04):46-48.
96. Wang Hongli, Feng Jianfeng*, Shen Fei, Sun Jing. Stability and Bifurcation Behaviors Analysis in a Nonlinear Harmful Algal Dynamical Model, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2005,26(6):729-734.
97. Wang Hongli, Feng Jianfeng, Li Shengpeng, Shen Fei. Statistical Analysis and Prediction of the Concentration of Harmful Algal in Bohai Bay, Transactions of Tianjin University, 2005, 11(4):308-312.
98. Wang Hongli, Li Shengpeng, Feng Jianfeng. Explore the Cause of Harmful Algae by Calculate measurable nonlinear Relationship between Phytoplankton Biomass and Environmental Factors, Marine Science Bulletin, 2005,7(1):82-86
99. 王洪礼,李胜朋,冯剑丰.赤潮随机梯度回归分析.海洋技术,2005(03):65-69.
100. 王洪礼,冯剑丰,沈菲,孙景.赤潮藻类非线性动力学模型的分岔及稳定性研究.应用数学和力学,2005(06):671-676.
101. 王洪礼, 冯剑丰,孙景.高等动物对赤潮藻类模型非线性动力学行为的影响,海洋环境科学,2004,23(1):19-21.
102. 李胜朋,王洪礼,冯剑丰.渤海湾赤潮藻类浓度与环境因子的非线性相关分析.海洋技术,2004(03):82-84.
103. 王洪礼,冯剑丰,李超,沈菲. 多种群赤潮生态模型的非线性动力学研究,天津大学学报,2003,36(4):400-403.
104. 王洪礼,冯剑丰,沈菲.渤海赤潮藻类生态动力学模型的非线性动力学研究.海洋技术,2002(03):8-12.
王洪礼,冯剑丰主编. 赤潮生态动力学与预测, 天津大学出版社, 2006.