








邮箱:Zhouqx@nankai.edu.cn; Zhouqx523@126.com


1982.09-1986.07 浙江大学环境与资源学院学习,获学士学位
1986.08-1989.07 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所学习(期间曾在中国科技大学研究生院和北京大学学习基础课),获硕士学位
1989.08-1992.07 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所学习(期间与德国Karlsruhe大学联合培养),获博士学位
1992.08-1994.09 浙江大学环境工程博士后研究


1994.10-1998.03 浙江大学(环境科学与工程)副教授,环境化学教研室主任
1997.04-2002.01 先后为英国女皇大学Honorary Research Fellow、英国伦敦大学Advanced Research Fellow、英国女皇大学Visiting Professor
1998.10-2002.01 中国科学院“百人计划”入选者,中国科学院“引进国外杰出人才”百人计划入选者,中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所研究员、污染生态研究室副主任,中国科学院陆地生态过程重点实验室副主任

2002.02-2010.03 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所研究员、博士生导师,中国科学院研究生院(现中国科学院大学)教授,中国科学院陆地生态过程重点实验室主任

2005.12-2012.03 澳门永利最老登录入口院长(第一/二届)、教授、博士生导师,环境污染过程与基准教育部重点实验室主任(2007年底创建,首届),期间(2011.11-12)到访澳大利亚(先后为墨尔本大学、CSIRO Land and Water和澳大利亚国立大学

2012.04-2017.06 澳门永利最老登录入口院长(第三届)、教授、博士生导师,期间(2013.11-2014.3圣母大学客座教授,并先后到访哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、斯坦福大学、麻省理工学院和加州大学洛杉矶分校UCLA等)













Journal of Hazardous Materials》编委

Land Degradation & Development》编委

Journal of Soils and Sediments》编委


Environmental Science and Pollution Research》编委

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》编委

Journal of Resources and Ecology》编委





















































[1]      黄河三角洲石油污染土壤生态修复BES强化机制研究,国家自然科学基金委员会(NSFC-山东联合基金重点项目(编号U19062222020.1-2023.12

[2]      油田开采区土壤污染控制与修复技术集成示范,国家重点研发项目(编号2019YFC18041002019.12-2023.11

[3]      石油污染场地生物电化学耦合强化修复新技术研发,天津市科技支撑重点项目(编号S19ZC601332019.4-2022.3

[4]      污染生态地球化学研究,教育部“创新团队发展计划”滚动支持项目(编号IRT_17R582018.01-2020.12

[5]      石墨烯纳米材料对典型水生物的代谢毒性及其机理国家基金面上项目(编号216770802017.1-2020.12

[6]      污染生态地球化学研究,教育部“创新团队发展计划”项目(编号IRT 130242014.1-2016.12

[7]      石油开采场地及周边地区污染土壤修复技术研究与示范,国家863重大课题(编号2013AA06A2052013.1-2016.12

[8]      松花江流域水生态功能三级四级分区研究,国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(编号2012ZX07501002-0012012.7-2016.12

[9]     电子垃圾污染土壤的生态修复机制研究,国家自然科学基金-广东联合基金重点项目(编号U11330062012.1-2015.12


[11]  空气颗粒物的土壤起源机制及其与心肺疾病的耦合研究,国家973课题(编号2011CB5038022011.1-2015.12

[12]  土壤污染微界面过程及其分子诊断与调控原理,国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号210370022011.1-2014.12

[13]  我国水环境BTEX污染的修复限值研究,国家环保公益性项目(编号2009090412009.9-2012.8

[14]  大沽排污河底泥安全处置与河道生态修复技术集成及应用天津市科技创新专项资金项目(编号08FDZDSF034002008.10-2012.12

[15]  松花江流域水生态功能一级二级分区研究,国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(编号2008ZX07526-002-012008.8-2010.12

[16]  农业生境新型复合污染形成机理及控制途径,高等学校科技创新工程重大项目培育资金项目(编号7070112008.1-2010.12

[17]  北方典型工业城市土-水界面污染流的生态毒理化学研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号207770402008.1-2010.12

[18]  东北老工业基地环境污染形成机理与生态修复研究,国家973项目(编号2004CB41852005.1-2009.12

[19]  沙蚕Nereis diversicolor耐污染的生态毒理化学研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号204770492005.01-2007.12

[20]  金属-有机复合污染生态化学过程及分子机制研究(污染生态化学),国家杰出青年科学基金项目(编号202257222003.1-2006.12


自从事科研工作以来,Nature CatalysisPNAS、中国科学和科学通报等期刊共发表学术论文700余篇(其中,第一/通讯作者SCI收录270余篇,第一作者论文100余篇),主编/共同主编著作18部。

1. 代表作10篇,标注*为通讯作者)

[1]      [1] Zhou Q*, Li D, Wang T, Hu X. 2021. Leaching of graphene oxide nanosheets in simulated soil and their influences on microbial communities. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 404 (Part A): 124046IF=10.5881区)

[2]     [2]  Zhou Q*, Liu Y, Li T, Zhao H, Alessi DS, Liu W, Konhauser KO. 2020. Cadmium adsorption to clay-microbe aggregates: Implications for marine heavy metals cycling. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 290: 124-136IF=5.0101区)

[3]    [3]  Wan L, Zhou Q*, Wang X, Wood TE, Wang L, Duchesne PN, Guo J, Yan X, Xia M, Li FY, Jelle AA, Ulmer U, Jia J, Li T, Sun W*, Ozin GA*. 2019. Cu2O nanocubes with mixed oxidation–state facets for (photo)catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide. Nature Catalysis, 2(10): 889-898IF=41.8131区)

[4]     [4]  Zhou Q*, Ma S, Zhan S. 2018. Superior photocatalytic disinfection of Ag-3D ordered mesoporous CeO2 under visible light condition. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 224: 27-37IF=19.5031区)

[5]      Zhou Q*, Hu X. 2017. Systemic stress and recovery patterns of rice roots in response to graphene oxide nanosheets. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(4): 2022-2030IF=9.0281区)

[6]      Hu X, Zhou Q*. 2013. Health and ecosystem risks of graphene. Chemical Reviews, 113(5): 3815-3835IF=60.6221区)

[7]      Zhou Q*, Sun F, Liu R. 2005. Joint chemical flushing of soils contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons. Environment International, 31(6): 835-839IF=9.6211区)

[8]      Zhou Q*, Cheng Y, Zhang Q, Liang J. 2004. Quantitative analyses of relationships between ecotoxicological effects and combined pollution. Science in China Ser. C, 47(4): 332-339 (《中国科学·C辑》)

[9]      Zhou Q, Gibson CE*, Foy RH. 2000. Long-term changes of nitrogen and phosphorus loadings to a large lake in north-west Ireland. Water Research, 34(3): 922-926IF=11.2361区)

[10]  Zhou Q*, Dai L, Bell RW. 1996. An integrated plan for town-enterprise wastewater reuse and wetland strategy: A case study.Desalination, 106(1-3): 439-442IF=9.5011区)

2. 重要第一作者论文(标注*为通讯作者)

[1]      Zhou Q*, Yue Z, Li Q, Zhou R, Liu L. 2019. Exposure to PbSe nanoparticles and male reproductive damages in a rat model.Environmental Science & Technology, 53(22): 13408-13416

[2]      Zhou Q*, Ouyang S, Ao Z, Sun J, Liu G, Hu X. 2019. Integrating biolayer interferometry, atomic force microscopy and density functional theory calculation studies on the affinity between humic acid fractions and graphene oxide. Environmental Science & Technology, 53(7): 3773-3781

[3]      Zhou Q*, Teng Y, Liu Y. 2017. A study on soil-environmental quality criteria and standards of arsenic. Applied Geochemistry, 77(1): 158-166

[4]      Zhou Q*, Diao C, Sun Y, Zhou J. 2012. Tolerance, uptake and removal of nitrobenzene by a newly-found remediation species Mirabilis jalapa L. Chemosphere, 86(10): 994-1000

[5]      Zhou Q*, Cai Z, Zhang Z, Liu W. 2011. Ecological remediation of hydrocarbon contaminated soils with weed plants. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2(2): 97-105

[6]      Zhou Q*, Wang M. 2010. Adsorption-desorption characteristics and pollution behavior of reactive X-3B red dye in four Chinese typical soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 10(7): 1324-1334

[7]      Zhou Q*, Wang M, Liang J. 2008. Ecological detoxification of methamidophos by earthworms in phaeozem co-contaminated with acetochlor and copper. Applied Soil Ecology, 40(1): 138-145

[8]      Zhou Q*, Zhang Q, Liang J. 2006. Toxic effects of acetochlor and methamidophos on earthworm Eisenia foetida in phaeozem, northeast China. Journal of Environmental Sciences,18(4): 741-745

[9]      Zhou Q*, Xu J, Cheng Y. 2004. Inhibitory effects of reactive X-3B red dye (RRD) on iron uptake by three crops. Plant and Soil,261(1-2): 155-162

[10]  Zhou Q*, Zhu Y. 2003. Potential pollution and recommended critical levels of phosphorus in paddy soils of the southern Lake Tai area, China. Geoderma, 115(1-2): 45-54

[11]  Zhou Q*, Sun T. 2002. Effects of chromium (VI) on extractability and plant uptake of fluorine in agricultural soils of Zhejiang Province, China.Water Air and Soil Pollution, 133(1-4): 145-160

[12]  Zhou Q*, Gibson CE, Zhu Y. 2001. Evaluation of phosphorus bioavailability in sediments of three contrasting lakes in China and the UK. Chemosphere, 42(2): 221-225

[13]  Zhou Q*. 1996. Soil-quality guidelines related to combined pollution of chromium and phenol in agricultural environments. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment, 2(3): 591-607

[14]  Zhou Q*, Dai L. 1995. Joint effects of chromium and phenol on marine prawns (Penaeus japonicus).Marine Pollution Bulletin, 31(4-12): 387-389

[15]  Zhou Q, Gao Z. 1994. Compound contamination and secondary ecological effects of Cd and As in soil-alfalfa ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 6(3): 330-336

[16]  周启星*, 唐景春, 魏树和. 2020. 环境绿色修复的地球化学基础与相关理论探讨. 生态与农村环境学报36(1): 1-10

[17]  周启星*, 滕涌. 2015. 不同土地利用类型污染土壤修复基准推导方法与标准值分析. 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版), 41(1): 89-100

[18]  周启星*, 滕涌, 展思辉, 佟玲. 2014. 土壤环境基准/标准研究需要解决的基础性问题. 农业环境科学学报, 33(1): 1-14

[19]  周启星*, 滕涌, 林大松. 2013. 污染土壤修复基准值推导和确立的原则与方法. 农业环境科学学报, 32(2): 205-214(获钱学森金奖提名奖,2017

[20]  周启星*. 2010. 环境基准研究与环境标准制定进展及展望. 生态与农村环境学报, 26(1): 1-8

[21]  周启星*, 王美娥, 范飞, 祝凌燕. 2008. 人工合成麝香的环境污染、生态行为与毒理效应研究进展. 环境科学学报, 28(1): 1-11

[22]  周启星*, 罗义, 王美娥. 2007. 抗生素的环境残留、生态毒性及抗性基因污染. 生态毒理学报, 2(3): 243-251

[23]  周启星*. 2006. 土壤环境污染化学与化学修复研究最新进展. 环境化学, 25(3): 257-265

[24]  周启星*, 王美娥. 2006. 土壤生态毒理学研究进展与展望. 生态毒理学报, 1(1): 1-11

[25]  周启星*. 2004. 污染土壤修复标准建立的方法体系研究. 应用生态学报, 15(2): 316-320

[26]  周启星*, 宋玉芳, 孙铁珩. 2004. 生物修复研究与应用进展. 自然科学进展, 14(7): 721-728

[27]  周启星*. 2001. 土壤环境中活性X-3B红染料的淋溶行为与淹水释放模拟研究. 环境科学学报, 21(1): 49-54

[28]  周启星*, 王如松. 1998. 城镇化生态风险评价案例研究. 生态学报, 18(4): 337-342

[29]  周启星*, 高拯民. 1995. 土壤-水稻系统Cd-Zn的复合污染及其衡量指标的研究. 土壤学报, 32(4): 430-436

[30]  周启星*. 1994. -砷污染苜蓿的联合效应及机理的研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2(1): 81-87

3. 近年重要通讯作者论文(英文论文,标注*为通讯作者,按照年份倒数排序)

[1]      Zhu D, Zhou Q*. 2021. Nitrogen doped g-C3N4 with extremely narrow band gap for excellent photocatalytic activities under visible light. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 281: 119474

[2]      Zeng H, Hu X, Ouyang S, Zhou Q*. 2021. Nanocolloids, but not humic acids, augment the phytotoxicity of single-layer molybdenum disulfide nanosheets. Environmental Science & Technology, 55(2): 1122-1133

[3]      Xue W, Zhou Q*, Cui X, Jia S, Zhang J, Lin Z*. 2021. Metal-organic frameworks-derived heteroatom-doped carbon electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction. Nano Energy, 86: 106073

[4]      He X, Zhang L, Hu X, Zhou Q*. 2021. Formation of S defects in MoS2-coated wood for high-efficiency seawater desalination. Environmental Science: Nano, 8(7): 2069-2080

[5]      Teng Y, Zhou Q*. 2021. Variation in soil geochemical properties and microbial communities in areas under land developed for educational use (university and other campuses). Land Degradation & Development, 32(1): 173-182

[6]      Teng Y, Zhou Q*. 2021. Bioavailability and toxicity variation of benzo[a]pyrene in three soil-wheat systems: Indicators for soil quality. Land Degradation & Development, 32(14): 3847-3855

[7]      Li T, Li R, Zhou Q*. 2021. The application and progress of bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) in soil remediation: A review. Green Energy & Environment, 6(1): 50-65

[8]      Du J, Hou F, Zhou Q*. 2021. Response of soil enzyme activity and soil bacterial community to PCB dissipation across different soils. Chemosphere, 283: 131229

[9]      Chen Y, Li J, Zhou Q*, Liu Z, Li Q. 2021. Hexavalent chromium amplifies the developmental toxicity of graphene oxide during zebrafish embryogenesis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 208: 111487

[10]  Liu Y, Zhou Q*, Wang Y, Cheng S, Hao W. 2021. Deriving soil quality criteria of chromium based on species sensitivity distribution methodology. Toxics, 9: 58

[11]  Yuan P, Zhou Q*, Hu X. 2020. WS2 nanosheets at noncytotoxic concentration enhance the cytotoxicity of organic pollutants by disturbing the plasma membrane and efflux pumps. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(3): 1698-1709

[12]  Zhou Q*, Zeng H, Wang Y, Hu X. 2020. Natural nanocolloids mediate the phytotoxicity of graphene oxide. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(8): 4865-4875

[13]  Zhu D, Zhou Q*. 2020. Novel Bi2WO6 modified by N-doped graphitic carbon nitride photocatalyst for efficient photocatalytic degradation of phenol under visible light. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 268: 118426

[14]  Zhang L, Hu X, Zhou Q*. 2020. Sunlight-assisted tailoring of surface nanostructures on single-layer graphene nanosheets for highly efficient cation capture and high-flux desalination. Carbon, 161: 674-684

[15]  Teng Y, Zhou Q*. 2020. Metal status in soils within a developing education park: potential risk of land development. Land Degradation & Development, 31(4): 430-438

[16]  Yuan P, Hu X, Zhou Q*. 2020. The nanomaterial-induced bystander effects reprogrammed macrophage immune function and metabolic profile. Nanotoxicology, 14(8): 1137-1155

[17]  Li T, Chen F, Zhou Q*, Wang X, Liao C, Zhou L, Wan L, An J, Wan Y, Li N. 2020. Unignorable toxicity of formaldehyde on electroactive bacteria in bioelectrochemical systems.Environmental Research, 183: 109143

[18]  Li T, Zhou Q*. 2020. The key role of Geobacter in regulating emissions and biogeochemical cycling of soil-derived greenhouse gases. Environmental Pollution, 266(part 3): 115135

[19]  Zou W, Zhang X, Ouyang S, Hu X,Zhou Q*. 2020. Graphene oxide nanosheets mitigate the developmental toxicity of TDCIPP in zebrafish via activating the mitochondrial respiratory chain and energy metabolism. Science of The Total Environment, 727: 138486

[20]  Zhang X, Zhou Q*, Li X, Zou W, Hu X. 2020. Integrating omics and traditional analyses to profile the synergistic toxicity of graphene oxide and triphenyl phosphate. Environmental Pollution, 263(Part A): 114473

[21]  Ouyang S, Li K, Zhou Q*, Hu X. 2019. Widely distributed nanocolloids in water regulate the fate and risk of graphene oxide. Water Research, 165: 114987

[22]  Xue W, Li F, Zhou Q*. 2019. Degradation mechanisms of sulfamethoxazole and its induction of bacterial community changes and antibiotic resistance genes in a microbial fuel cell. Bioresource Technology, 289: 121632

[23]  Teng Y, Zhou Q*, Gao P. 2019. Applications and challenges of elemental sulfur, nanosulfur, polymeric sulfur, sulfur composites, and plasmonic nanostructures. Critical Reviews inEnvironmental Science and Technology, 49(24): 2314-2358

[24]  Kong L, Gao Y, Zhou Q, Sun Z. 2018. Biochar accelerates PAHs biodegradation in petroleum-polluted soil by biostimulation strategy. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 343: 276-284

[25]  Li X, Zhao Q, Wang X, Li Y, Zhou Q*. 2018. Surfactants selectively reallocated the bacterial distribution in soil bioelectrochemical remediation of petroleum hydrocarbons. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 344: 23-32

[26]  Cheng L, Wang Y, Cai Z, Liu J, Yu B, Zhou Q*. 2017. Phytoremediation of petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated saline-alkali soil by wild ornamental Iridaceae species. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 19(3): 300-308

[27]  Zheng S, Zhou Q*. 2017. Intoxication and biochemical responses of freshwater snail Bellamya aeruginosa to ethylbenzene. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24(1): 189-198

[28]  Yu W, Zhan S*, Shen Z, Zhou Q*, Yang D. 2017. Efficient removal mechanism for antibiotic resistance genes from aquatic environments by graphene oxide nanosheet. Chemical Engineering Journal, 313(1): 836-846

[29]  Wan L, Zang G*, Wang X, Zhou L, Li T, Zhou Q*. 2017. Tiny crystalline grain nanocrystal NiCo2O4/N-doped graphene composite for efficient oxygen reduction reaction. Journal of Power Sources, 345(1): 41-49

[30]  Chen Y, Hu X, Sun J, Zhou Q*. 2016. Specific nanotoxicity of graphene oxide during zebrafish embryogenesis. Nanotoxicology, 10(1): 42-52

[31]  Hu X, Li D, Gao Y, Mu L, Zhou Q*. 2016. Knowledge gaps between nanotoxicological research and nanomaterial safety. Environment International, 94(1): 8-23

[32]  Tong L, Li K, Zhou Q*. 2016. Season, sex and age as modifiers in the association of psychosis morbidity with air pollutants: A rising problem in a Chinese metropolis. Science of the Total Environment, 541(1): 928-933

[33]  Li X, Zhou Q*, Sun X, Ren W. 2016. Effects of cadmium on uptake and translocation of nutrient elements in different welsh onion (Allium fistulosum L.) cultivars. Food Chemistry, 194(1): 101-110

[34]  Sun Y, Zhou Q*. 2016. Uptake and translocation of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) in two ornamental plants and dissipation in soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 124(1): 74-81

[35]  He K, Zhou Q*. 2016. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase specific activity reduction in wheat Triticum aestivum induced by soilroxithromycin stress. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 10(2): 270-275

[36]  Ma S, Zhan S*, Jia Y, Shi Q, Zhou Q*. 2016. Enhanced disinfection application of Ag-modified g-C3N4 composite under visible light. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 186(1): 77-87

[37]  Ren C, Hu X*,Li X, Zhou Q*. 2016. Ultra-trace graphene oxide in a water environment triggers Parkinson's disease-like symptoms and metabolic disturbance in zebrafish larvae. Biomaterials, 93(1): 83-94

[38]  Liu Y, Alessi DS, Owttrim GW, Kenney JPL, Zhou Q*, Lalonde SV, Konhauser KO*. 2016. Cell surface acid-base properties of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus: Influences of nitrogen source, growth phase and N:P ratios. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 187: 179-194

[39]  Zhang X, Zou W, Mu L, Chen Y, Ren C, Hu X*, Zhou Q*. 2016. Rice ingestion is a major pathway for human exposure to organophosphate flame retardants (OPFRs) in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 318: 686-693

[40]  Jia Y, Zhan S*, Ma S,Zhou Q*. 2016. Fabrication of TiO2-Bi2WO6 Binanosheet for enhanced solar photocatalytic disinfection of E. coli: Insights on the Mechanism. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(11): 6841-6851

[41]  Zou W, Li X, Lai Z, Zhang X, Hu X*, Zhou Q*. 2016. Graphene oxide inhibits antibiotic uptake and antibiotic resistance gene propagation. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8(48): 33165-33174

[42]  Hu X, Zhou M, Zhou Q*. 2015. Ambient water and visible-light irradiation drive changes in graphene morphology, structure, surface chemistry, aggregation and toxicity. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(6): 3410-3418

[43]  Hu X, Ouyang S, Mu L, An J, Zhou Q*. 2015. Effects of graphene oxide and oxidized carbon nanotubes on the cellular division, microstructure, uptake, oxidative stress and metabolic profiles. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(18): 10825-10833

[44]  Chen Y, Ren C, Ouyang S, Hu X*, Zhou Q*. 2015. Mitigation in multiple effects of graphene oxide toxicity in zebrafish embryogenesis driven by humic acid. Environmental Science & Technology, 49(16): 10147-10154

[45]  Ouyang S, Hu X*, Zhou Q*. 2015. Envelopment- internalization synergistic effects and metabolic mechanisms of graphene oxide on single-cell C. vulgaris are dependent on nanomaterial particle size.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(32): 18104-18112

[46]  Ma S, Zhan S*, Jia Y, Zhou Q*. 2015. Highly efficient antibacterial and Pb(II) removal effects of Ag-CoFe2O4-GO nanocomposite. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(19): 10576-10586

[47]  Ma S, Zhan S*, Jia Y, Zhou Q*. 2015. Superior antibacterial activity of Fe3O4-TiO2 nanosheet under solar light. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7(39): 21875-21883

[48]  Liu Y, Alessi DS, Owttrim GW, Petrash DE, Mloszewska AM, Lalonde SV, Martinez RE, Zhou Q*, Konhauser KO*. 2015. Cell surface reactivity of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002: Implications for metal sorption from seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 169(1): 30-44

[49]  Wang Y, Xu Z*, Zheng J, Abdullah KM, Zhou Q*. 2015. δ15N of soil nitrogen pools and their dynamics under decomposing leaf litters in a suburban native forest subject to repeated prescribed burning in southeast Queensland, Australia. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(5): 1063-1074

[50]  Bao Y, Zhou Q*. 2015. Temporal changes in horsebean bioavailability and accumulation after removing extractable oxytetracycline fractions in soils. RSC Advances, 5: 32572-32579

[51]  Zhi Y, He K, Sun T, Zhu Y, Zhou Q*. 2015. Assessment of potential soybean cadmium excluder cultivars at different concentrations of Cd in soils. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 35(1): 108-114

[52]  Gao Y, Wang Y, Zhou Q*. 2015. Distribution and temporal / geographical changing trends of PCBs and PAHs in soils and sediments from an e-waste dismantling area, China. Environmental Earth Sciences, 74(4): 2925-2935

[53]  Wu Q, Wang X, Zhou Q*. 2014. Biomonitoring persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere with mosses: performance and application. Environment International, 66(1): 28-37

[54]  Wang X, Feng C, Ding N, Zhang Q, Li N, Li X, Zhang Y, Zhou Q*. 2014. Accelerated OH- transport in activated carbon air-cathode by anchoring or mixing quaternary ammonium for microbial fuel cells. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(7): 4191-4198

[55]  Hu X, Mu L, Kang J, Lu K, Zhou R, Zhou Q*. 2014. Humic acid acts as a natural antidote of graphene by regulating nanomaterial translocation and metabolic fluxes in vivo. Environmental Science & Technology, 48(12): 6919-6927

[56]  Hu X, Lu K, Mu L, Kang J, Zhou Q*. 2014. Interactions between graphene oxide and plant cells: regulation of cell morphology, uptake, organelle damage, oxidative effects and metabolic disorders. Carbon, 80: 665-676

[57]  Hu X, Zhou Q*. 2014. Novel hydrated graphene ribbon unexpectedly promotes aged seed germination and root differentiation. Scientific Reports, 4(3782): 1-9 / DOI: 10.1038/srep03782

[58]  Hu X, KangJ, Lu K, Zhou R, Mu L, Zhou Q*. 2014. Graphene oxide amplifies the phytotoxicity of arsenic in wheat. Scientific Reports, 4(6122): 1-10; DOI: 10.1038/serp 06122

[59]  Hu X, Mu L, Lu K, Kang J, Zhou Q*. 2014. Green synthesis of low-toxicity graphene-fulvic acid with an open band gap enhances demethylation of methylmercury. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6(12): 9220-9227

[60]  Li X, Wang X*, Zhang Y, Ding N, Zhou Q*. 2014. Opening size optimization of metal matrix in rolling-pressed activated carbon air-cathode for microbial fuel cells. Applied Energy, 123(1): 13-18

[61]  Kong L, Liu W,Zhou Q*. 2014. Biochar: an effective amendment for remediating contaminated soil. Reviewsof Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 228(1): 83-99

[62]  Yu B, Wang X, Yu S, Li Q, Zhou Q*. 2014. Effects of roxithromycin on ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in the rhizosphere of wheat. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 98(1): 263-272

[63]  Lin D, Li Y, Zhou Q*, Xu Y, Wang D. 2014. Effect of triclosan on reproduction, DNA damage and heat shock protein gene expression of the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Ecotoxicology, 23(10): 1826-1832

[64]  Chen C, Zhou Q*, Cai Z. 2014. Effect of soil HCCB on cadmium accumulation and phytotoxicity in wheat seedlings.Ecotoxicology, 23(10): 1996-2004

[65]  Wang X, Gao N, Zhou Q*. 2013. Concentration responses of toxicitysensor with Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 growing in bioelectrochemicalsystems. Biosensors & Bioelectronics, 43(1): 264-267

[66]  Li W, Nanaboina V, Zhou Q*, Korshin GV. 2013. Changes of excitation/emission matrixes of wastewater caused by Fenton- and Fenton-like treatment and their associations with the generation of hydroxyl radicals, oxidation of effluent organic matter and degradation of trace-level organic pollutants. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 244-245: 698-708

[67]  Wang X, Gao N, Zhou Q*, Dong H, Yu H, Feng Y*. 2013. Acidic and alkaline pretreatments of activated carbon and their effects on the performance of air-cathodes in microbial fuel cells. Bioresource Technology, 144: 632-636

[68]  Sun X, Zhou Q*, Wang Y, Ren W. 2013. Influence of hydro-geomorphology, land-use and riparian zones characteristics on herbicides occurrence and distribution in sediments in the Songhua River Basin, northeastern China. Geoderma, 193-194: 156-164

[69]  Sun X, Zhou Q*, Ren W. 2013. Herbicide occurrence in riparian soils and its transporting risk in the Songhua River Basin, China. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 33(4): 777-785

[70]  Zheng S, Wang Y, Zhou Q*, Chen C. 2013. Responses of oxidative stress biomarkers and DNA damage on a freshwater snail (Bellamya aeruginosa) stressed by ethylbenzene. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 65(2): 251-259

[71]  Yan S, Zhou Q*, Gao J. 2012. Methodology for derivation of water quality criteria for protecting aquatic environment and future development. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 42(23): 2471-2503

[72]  Hu X, Mu L, Wen J, Zhou Q*. 2012. Covalently synthesized graphene oxide-aptamer nanosheets for efficient visible-light photocatalysis of nucleic acids and proteins of viruses. Carbon, 50(8): 2772-2781

[73]  Hu X, Tulsieram KL, Zhou Q*, Mu L, Wen J. 2012. Polymeric nanoparticle-aptamer bioconjugates can diminish the toxicity of mercury in vivo. Toxicology Letters, 208(1): 69-74

[74]  Hu X, Mu L, Wen J,Zhou Q*. 2012. Immobilized smart RNA on graphene oxide nanosheets to specifically recognize and adsorb trace peptide toxins in drinking water. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 213-214: 387-392

[75]  Hu X, He K, Zhou Q*. 2012. Occurrence, accumulation, attenuation and priority of typical antibiotics in sediments based on long-term field and modeling studies. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 225-226: 91-98

[76]  Li W, Nanaboina V, Zhou Q*, Korshin GV. 2012. Effects of Fenton treatment on the properties of effluent organic matter and their relationships with the degradation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products. Water Research, 46(2): 403-412

[77]  Chen F, Gao J, Zhou Q*. 2012. Toxicity assessment of simulated urban runoff containing polycyclic musks and cadmium in Carassius auratus using oxidative stress biomarkers. Environmental Pollution, 162(1): 91-97

[78]  Wang X, Cai Z, Zhou Q*, Zhang Z, ChenC. 2012. Bioelectrochemical stimulation of petroleum hydrocarbon degradation in saline soil using U-tube microbial fuel cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 109(2): 426-433

[79]  Xiong H, Zhou Q*. 2012. Cellular and molecular damage of Phanerochaete chrysosporium by the oxidation hair dyes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 19(6): 2172-2178

[80]  Zheng S, Zhou Q*, Gao J, Xiong H, Chen C. 2012. Behavioral alteration and DNA damage offreshwater snail Bellamya aeruginosa stressed by ethylbenzene and its tissue residue. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 81(1): 43-48

[81]  Dong L, Gao J, Xie X, Zhou Q*. 2012. DNA damage and biochemical toxicity of two tetracycline antibiotics in soil on the earthworm Eisenia fetida. Chemosphere, 89(1): 44-51

[82]  Lin D, Zhou Q*, Xu Y, Chen C, Li Y. 2012. Physiological and molecular responses of the earthworm (Eisenia fetida) to soil chlortetracycline contamination. Environmental Pollution, 171(1): 46-51

[83]  Liu S, Zhou Q*, Chen C. 2012. Antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation in earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to galaxolide. Environmental Toxicology, 27(8): 472-479

[84]  Hu X, Mu L, Zhou Q*, Wen J, Janusz P. 2011. ssDNA aptamer-based column for simultaneous removal of nanogram per liter level of illicit and analgesic pharmaceuticals in drinking water. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(11): 4890-4896

[85]  Liu W, Zhou Q*, Zhang Z, Hua T, Cai Z. 2011. Evaluation of cadmium phytoremediation potential in Chinese cabbage cultivars. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(15): 8324-8330

[86]  Li X, Zhou Q*, Wei S, Ren W, Sun X. 2011. Adsorption/desorption of carbendazim and cadmium on two typical soils as affected by temperature in northeastern China. Geoderma, 160(3-4): 347-354

[87]  Li Y, Zhou Q*, Wang Y, Xie X. 2011. Fate of tetrabromobisphenol A and hexabromocyclododecanebrominated flame retardantsin soil. Chemosphere, 82(2): 204-209

[88]  Zhang A, Zhou M*, Zhou Q*. 2011. A combined photocatalytic determination system for chemical oxygen demand with a highly oxidative reagent. Analytica Chimica Acta, 686(1-2): 133-143

[89]  Tong M, Kulis DM, Fux E, Smith JL, Hess P, Zhou Q*, Anderson DM. 2011. The effects of growth phase and light intensity on toxin production by Dinophysis acuminata from the northeastern United States.Harmful Algae, 10(3): 254-264

[90]  Zhang A, Zhou M*, Han L, Zhou Q*. 2011. The combination of rotating disk photocatalytic reactor and TiO2 nanotube arrays for environmental pollutants removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3): 1374-1383

[91]  Sun Y, Zhou Q*, Xu Y*, Wang L, Liang X. 2011. Phytoremediation for co-contaminated soils of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) and heavy metals usingornamental plant Tagetes patula. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186(2-3): 2075-2082

[92]  Sun R, Zhou Q*, Wei S. 2011. Cadmium accumulation in relation to organic acids and non-protein thiols in leaves of the new-found Cd-hyperaccumulatorRorippa globosa and the Cd-accumulating plant Rorippa islandica. Journal of Plant Growth Regulation, 30(1): 83-91

[93]  Liu S, Zhou Q*, Wang Y. 2011. Ecotoxicological responses of the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to soil contaminated with HHCB. Chemosphere, 83(8): 1080-1086

[94]  Chen C, Zhou Q*, Liu S, Xiu Z. 2011. Acute toxicity, biochemical and gene expression responses of the earthworm Eisenia fetida exposed to polycyclic musks. Chemosphere, 83(8): 1147-1154

[95]  Ren W, Wang M, Zhou Q*. 2011. Effect of soil pH and organic matter on desorption hysteresis of chlorimuron-ethyl in two typical Chinese soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 11(4): 552-561

[96]  Tang J*, Zhou Q*, Chu H, Nagata S. 2011. Characterization of alginase and elicitor-active oligosaccharides from Gracilibacillus A7 in alleviating salt stress for Brassica campestris L. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 59(14): 7896-7901

[97]  Ren W, Wang M, Zhou Q*. 2011. Adsorption characteristics and influencing factors of chlorimuron-ethyl in two typical Chinese soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75(4): 1394-1401

[98]  Chen C, Xue S, Zhou Q*, Xie X. 2011. Multilevel ecotoxicity assessment of polycyclic musks in earthworm Eisenia fetida using traditional and molecular endpoints. Ecotoxicology, 20(8): 1949-1958

[99]  Yan S, Zhou Q*. 2011. Toxic effects of Hydrilla verticillata exposed to toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene andsafety assessment for protecting aquatic macrophytes. Chemosphere, 85(6): 1088-1094

[100]             Ren W, Zhou Q*, Wang M, Jadeja RN. 2011. Interactive effects of chlorimuron-ethyl and copper (Ⅱ) on their sorption and desorption on two typical Chinese soils. European Journal of Soil Science, 62(6): 882-890

4. 学术著作

[1]      周启星. 1995. 复合污染生态学. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社

[2]      何振立, 周启星, 谢正苗主编. 1998. 污染及有益元素的土壤化学平衡. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社

[3]      王如松, 周启星, 胡耽. 2000. 城市生态调控方法. 北京:气象出版社

[4]      周启星, 黄国宏. 2001. 环境生物地球化学及全球环境变化.北京:科学出版社

[5]      孙铁珩, 周启星, 李培军主编. 2001. 污染生态学.北京:科学出版社

[6]      周启星, 宋玉芳等著. 2004. 污染土壤修复原理与方法. 北京: 科学出版社(获钱学森金奖,2017

[7]      周启星, 孔繁翔, 朱琳主编. 2004. 生态毒理学. 北京: 科学出版社

[8]      周启星主编. 2005. 健康土壤学-土壤健康质量与农产品安全. 北京: 科学出版社

[9]      孙铁珩, 李培军, 周启星主编. 2005. 土壤污染形成机理与修复技术. 北京: 科学出版社

[10]  周启星, 魏树和, 张倩茹, 等编著. 2006. 生态修复. 北京: 中国环境科学出版社

[11]  覃晏, 周启星. 2008. 中国经济与环境问题研究. 天津: 学院出版社

[12]  周启星, 罗义主编. 2011. 污染生态化学. 北京: 科学出版社

[13]  周启星等主编. 2013. 资源循环科学与工程概论. 北京: 化学工业出版社

[14]  于宏兵, 周启星主编. 2013. 松花江流域生态演变与鱼类生态. 天津: 学院出版社

[15]  于宏兵, 周启星, 郑力燕主编. 2016. 松花江流域水生态功能分区研究. 北京: 科学出版社

[16]  周启星, 主编. 2017. 生态地学. 北京: 科学出版社

[17]  于宏兵, 周启星, 郑力燕主编. 2019. 松花江流域水生态功能分区应用手册. 北京: 化学工业出版社

[18]  周启星, 刘家女, 薛生国等著. 2021. 污染环境修复实践与案例. 北京: 化学工业出版社


1. 代表性发明专利

[1]    周启星*, 张凯松, 任丽萍, 王新. 生态安全复合高效絮凝剂. 发明专利, 2002.1.11受理,2008.5.7授权, 专利号ZL 02109025.4

[2]    周启星*, 魏树和. 一种利用十字花科植物修复镉污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2004.7.16受理, 2008.2.27授权,专利号ZL200410020981.2

[3]    周启星*, 刘家女. 一种利用紫茉莉花卉植物修复重金属污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2006.4.5受理, 2010.12.22授权, 专利号ZL200610046244.9

[4]    周启星*, 王林, 任丽萍, 孙约兵. 一种利用花卉植物孔雀草修复治理镉污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2007.12.19受理, 2011.8.3授权, 专利号ZL200710159039.8

[5]    周启星*, 刘维涛, 魏树和. 一种筛选重金属低积累作物品种的方法. 发明专利, 2008.12.5受理, 2012授权, 专利号ZL200810229329.X

[6]    周启星*, 付铠. 一种海绵城市地面通过下垫生物炭强化吸水的方法. 发明专利, 2016.4.13受理, 2018.6.26授权, 专利号ZL201610230370.3

[7]    周启星, 赵倩楠, 李凤祥. 一种利用电化学装置处理磺胺类废水并同步制氢的方法. 发明专利, 2018.5.9受理, 2020.11.3授权, 专利号ZL201810434728.3

[8]    周启星, 赵倩楠, 李凤祥. 一种炭黑羟基氧化铁阴极生物电芬顿处理典型芳烃类废水并同步产电的方法. 发明专利, 2018.5.9受理, 2020.12.18授权, 专利号ZL201810434786.6

[9]    周启星, 冯安琪. 利用小球藻吸收二硫化钼反应装置. 发明专利, 2020.4.23受理, 2021.8.6授权,专利号202010328181.6

[10]Cai Z, Zhou Q*, Cheng L, Zhou R, Wang X, Tang J, Zhang Q, Liu J, Liu W, Yang J. Enhanced combination method for phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soil by Impatients balsamina L. associated with the indigenous microorganisms. 美国发明专利, 2014.4.13受理, 2016.10.5授权, 专利号9333382

2. 其它重要发明专利

[1]      张凯松, 周启星*, 刘宛, 任丽萍. 一种生态安全复合型铁系高效絮凝剂. 发明专利, 2003.1.8受理, 2005.5.18授权, 专利号ZL 03110820.2

[2]      魏树和, 周启星*.重金属富集/积累植物的筛选方法. 发明专利, 2003.7.16受理, 2008.3.26授权,专利号ZL03133731.7

[3]      张凯松, 周启星*. 一种经济型无机-有机复合絮凝剂. 发明专利, 2003.8.27受理, 2005.6.22授权, 专利号ZL 03134172.1

[4]      魏树和, 周启星*. 一种利用茄科植物修复镉污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2004.7.23受理, 2008.2.27授权, 专利号ZL200410021546.1

[5]      张凯松, 周启星*.一种用泥炭作吸附剂处理重金属工业废水的方法. 发明专利, 2004.11.10受理, 2007.10.10授权, 专利号ZL200410087509.0

[6]      郭观林, 周启星*. 一种原位治理土壤重金属污染的固定剂. 发明专利, 2004.12.15受理, 2009.6.3授权, 专利号ZL200410082977.9

[7]      刘睿, 周启星*, 张兰英. 一种生态安全型天然复配絮凝剂及其制备和使用方法. 发明专利, 2005.2.7受理, 2007.6.13授权,专利号ZL 200510045869.9

[8]      张凯松, 周启星*.一种多级梯度吸附槽吸附工艺. 发明专利, 2006.1.11受理, 2008.12.31授权,专利号ZL200610045635.9

[9]      张凯松, 周启星*. 一种改性泥炭吸附剂的制备方法. 发明专利, 2006.1.25受理, 2008.7.16授权,专利号ZL200610045748.9

[10]  刘睿, 周启星*, 张兰英. 壳聚糖天然复配絮凝剂及其制备方法与应用. 发明专利, 2006.8.25受理, 2008.8.26授权,专利号ZL200610047537.9

[11]  魏树和, 周启星*. 一种利用菊科植物修复镉污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2006.9.22受理, 2010.5.12授权, 专利ZL200610047846.6

[12]  华涛, 周启星*, 李威, 刘晓玲. 生态安全型复合高效絮凝剂的一步法制备方法. 发明专利, 2006.12.1受理, 2009.7.29授权,专利号ZL200610129809.X

[13]  晁雷, 周启星*, 陈苏, 崔爽, 任丽萍. 一种污染土壤修复效果快速评价的装置及其方法. 发明专利, 2007.1.24受理, 2011.6.8授权, 专利号ZL200710010161.9

[14]  崔爽, 周启星*.一种联合修复铅污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2007.2.2受理, 2011.8.24授权, 专利号ZL200710010271.5

[15]  李凤祥, 华涛, 周启星*.用污泥减量型生物膜叠球填料工艺处理废水的方法. 发明专利, 2007.4.30受理, 2009.7.29授权, 专利号ZL200710057284.8

[16]  安婧, 周启星*. 一种制备处理染料废水联合改性催化剂的方法. 发明专利, 2007.10.17受理, 2011.4.13授权, 专利号ZL200710157525.6

[17]  刘家女, 周启星*. 一种在化学强化条件下蜀葵修复镉污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2008.2.3受理, 2011.12.7授权, 专利号200810010351.5

[18]  刘家女, 周启星*, 任丽萍. 一种利用螯合剂促进金盏菊积累重金属镉的方法. 发明专利, 2008.2.3受理, 2016.2.10授权, 专利号ZL200810010350.0

[19]  彭胜巍, 周启星*, 李柯男, 吴达平. 一种利用观赏植物紫茉莉修复石油污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2008.11.27受理, 2011.5.18授权, 专利号ZL200810153419.5

[20]  蔡章, 周启星*, 彭胜巍, 张志能,王芃. 一种利用观赏植物凤仙花修复石油污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2008.12.29受理, 2010.10.27授权, 专利号ZL200810154529.3

[21]  张志能, 周启星*, 彭胜巍, 蔡章. 一种利用观赏植物牵牛花修复石油污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2008.12.29受理, 2010.10.27授权, 专利号ZL200810154530.6

[22]  琼,华涛,周启星*,周亚飞,李. 挂膜式浮动链曝气污染水体修复方法与装置. 发明专利, 2009.7.8受理, 2011年授权, 专利号ZL200910069639.4

[23]  胡献刚, 周启星*, 罗义. 一种准确快捷测定畜牧粪便中抗生素的方法. 发明专利, 2009.7.29受理, 2012授权,专利号ZL200910069925.0

[24]  魏树和, 胡亚虎,周启星*,刘维涛,杨传杰. 一种镉-多环芳烃复合污染菜地土壤修复与利用的方法. 发明专利, 2009.8.14受理, 2012授权, 专利号ZL200910013170.2

[25]  李凤祥,周启星*, 李白崑. 将有机废水能源化的微生物燃料电池接种和驯化启动方法. 发明专利, 2009.9.29受理, 2011.12.7授权, 专利号ZL200910070694.5

[26]  秦松岩, 周启星*, 周金喜, 段雅琦. 一种利用挺水-沉水植物控制景观水体藻类生长的方法. 发明专利, 2010.8.3受理, 2012授权, 专利号ZL201010242802.5

[27]  何康信, 周启星*. 一种大批量提取蚯蚓基因组DNA的方法. 发明专利, 2011.3.9受理, 2012.11.14授权, 专利号ZL20110055803.3

[28]  蔡章, 周启星*, 刘畅, 张志能, 陈翠红. 一种利用观赏植物大花马齿苋修复石油烃污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2011.7.22受理, 2013.1.2授权, 专利号ZL2011 1020 6485.6

[29]  杨晓霞, 周启星*,  华涛, 王玉哲. 一种生态型高效复合絮凝剂的制备方法. 发明专利, 2011.8.12受理, 2013.6.5授权, 专利号ZL201110231449.5

[30]  荣伟英, 周启星*, 蔡章. 一种利用水生植物千屈菜修复铬污染水体的方法. 发明专利, 2011.10.11受理, 2013.4.24授权, 专利号ZL201110306159.2

[31]  王鑫, 周启星*, 蔡章, 唐景春. 一种土壤微生物燃料电池及修复石油烃污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2011.10.24受理, 2012.12.5授权, 专利号ZL201110324912.0

[32]  刘睿, 周启星*, 魏树和. 一种利用禾本科植物火凤凰修复多环芳烃污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2012.10.22受理, 2016.3.16授权, 专利号ZL2012104056098

[33]  高志强, 周启星*.一种利用野古草植物修复锡污染土壤和浅水水体的方法. 发明专利, 2012.12.21受理, 2014.4.2授权, 专利号ZL201210562073.0

[34]  林茂宏,周启星*,苏慧,周睿人, 高圆圆. 一种修复镉-多氯联苯复合污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2013.3.28受理, 2015.1.7授权, 专利号ZL201310104648.9

[35]  王鑫, 李晓晶, 张月勇, 周启星*, 李楠. 一种原位土壤电导率的测量装置和测量方法. 发明专利, 2013.9.5受理, 2016.1.27授权, 专利号ZL2013104029377

[36]  张月勇, 李晓晶, 周启星*, 王鑫, 李楠. 一种微生物燃料电池空气阴极片的制备方法. 发明专利, 2013.12.27受理, 2015.10.28授权, 专利号ZL201310745120.X

[37]  高圆圆, 周启星*. 一种利用孔雀草花朵对Cd-PCB污染土壤指示的方法. 发明专利, 2014.1.7受理, 2015.4.8授权, 专利号ZL201410006274.1

[38]  程立娟,周启星*. 一种利用野生观赏植物长药八宝修复石油污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2014.2.28受理, 2015.9.2授权, 专利号2014100715521

[39]  程立娟, 周启星*. 一种利用野生观赏植物野鸢尾修复石油污染土壤的方法. 发明专利, 2014.2.28受理, 2015.9.2授权, 专利号2014100705977

[40]  李晓晶,张月勇,周启星*,王鑫,李楠, 程立娟. 一种采用电化学装置修复石油污染土壤并同步产电的方法. 发明专利, 2014.4.9受理, 2015.7.8授权, 专利号ZL201410140586.1

[41]  胡献刚,刘琦,周启星*,陈玉明. 一种L-半胱氨酸氧化石墨烯纳米材料的制备方法. 发明专利, 2014.4.25受理, 2015.11.18授权, 专利号ZL201410170050.4

[42]  杜俊杰, 胡献刚, 周启星*.一种土壤中氧化石墨烯纳米材料的分离方法. 发明专利, 2014.6.13受理, 2016.3.9授权, 专利号ZL201410263493.8

[43]  孙晶, 胡献刚, 周启星*. 一种斑马鱼代谢物的提取方法及其应用. 发明专利, 2015.7.3受理, 2017.9.12授权, 专利号ZL201510387669.5

[44]  李晓晶,周启星*,王鑫,张月勇,程立娟,万丽丽. 一种基于MFC技术原位修复石油污染土壤并产电的方法. 发明专利, 2015.9.18受理, 2018.1.16授权, 专利号ZL201510594544.X

[45]  欧阳少虎,李丹丹,胡献刚,周启星*. 一种定性分析氧化石墨烯的方法. 发明专利, 2016.6.2受理, 2018.11.27授权, 专利号ZL201610391950.0

[46]  华涛, 陈红辉, 周启星*, 李凤祥. 一种分离式文丘里管式混合电催化臭氧化方法与装置. 发明专利, 2017.5.25受理, 2020.9.18授权, 专利号ZL201710376355.4

[47]  李田, 周启星*, 王鑫. 一种超灵敏电活性生物膜实现对水体中超低浓度甲醛检测的方法. 发明专利, 2018.11.23受理, 2020.11.3授权, 专利号ZL201811402627.4

[48]  王鑫, 李田, 周启星*. 一种微生物电化学传感器快速检测酸雨对水稻健康影响的方法. 发明专利, 2017.11.13受理, 2021.1.12授权, 专利号ZL201711112891.X

[49]  王亚萍, 刘家女, 周启星*. 一种利用纳米二氧化硅强化八宝景天吸收、降解土壤多环芳烃的方法. 发明专利, 2019.3.22受理, 2021.5.7授权, 专利号ZL201910222009.X

[50]  李凯文, 周启星*,  胡献刚. 一种原位研究难分离氧化石墨烯在实际场地发生环境转化的装置. 发明专利, 2018.10.22受理, 2021.5.20授权, 专利号ZL201811226377.3

