1993.09-1995.07 长春地质学院(现吉林大学)应用地球化学专业 工学硕士
2001.10-2003.09 日本名古屋大学地球环境科学专业 环境学硕士
2003.10-2005.12 日本名古屋大学地球环境科学专业 环境学博士。
1997.02—2001.10 天津市环境保护科学研究院新技术公司生态一室副主任(其间,1997.11评为工程师,2001.11评为高级工程师)
2000.01—2000.12 日本TBR株式会社技术研修
2006.01—2006.03 日本名古屋大学 COE研究员 (博士后)
2006.05—2007.08 新西兰奥克兰大学Leigh 海洋实验室博士后研究员
2007.08—2017.08 天津市环境保护科学研究院副院长 (其间,2007.12评为正高级工程师)
2017.08— 澳门永利最老登录入口教授
2022.08 Frontiers in Environmental Science期刊Review Editor
2022.06 Frontiers in Marine Science期刊Review Editor
2021.07 《海洋技术学报》编委
2021.06 Water期刊Topic Editor
2020.01 中国自然资源学会国家公园与自然保护地体系研究分会 委员
2020.01 《中国环保产业》期刊编委
2016.10 中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专业委员会委员
2015.10 教育部环境类工程教育认证专家
2015.10 天津市循环经济标准化技术委员会 委员
2014.09 污染场地修复技术创新战略联盟专家委员会 委员
2011.12 天津市环境科学学会 理事
2011.05 中国环境保护产业协会水污染治理委员会 副主任委员
2009.12 中国土木工程学会排水委员会 理事
2019-2022,天津市科技支撑重点项目,城镇污水处理厂典型PPCP 类新兴污染物处理技术研究,技术负责人;
2018-2021,中挪合作项目(DIKU),Biogeochemistry in the Anthropocene,中方负责人;
2013-2016,Better water ecological environment in Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) with less pollution discharge to the rivers and Bohai Sea,中欧环境可持续项目,项目负责人
2011-2014,Watershed Eutrophication management in China through system oriented process modelling of Pressures, Impacts and Abatement actions,中挪国际合作项目课题,课题负责人
Pang X., Han C., Guo B., Liu K., Lin X., Lu X.*, 2022. The first complete mitochondrial genome of Eucrate crenata (Decapoda: Brachyura: Goneplacidae) and phylogenetic relationships within infraorder Brachyura. Genes 13,1127.
Xie J., Liu Y., Wu Y., Li L., Fang J., Lu X.*, 2022. Occurrence, distribution and risk of pharmaceutical and personal care products in the Haihe River sediments, Chemosphere 302, 134874.
Li X., Luo J., Zeng H., Zhu L., Lu X.*, 2022. Microplastics decrease the toxicity of sulfamethoxazole to marine algae (Skeletonema costatum) at the cellular and molecular levels. Science of The Total Environment 824, 153855.
Wang S., Vogt R. D., Carstensen J., Lin Y., Feng J., Lu X.*, 2022. Riverine flux of dissolved phosphorus to the coastal sea may be overestimated, especially in estuaries of gated rivers: Implications of phosphorus adsorption/desorption on suspended sediments. Chemosphere 287, 132206.
Yu M., Li H., Xie J., Xu Y., Lu X.*, 2022. A descriptive and comparative analysis on the adsorption of PPCPs by molecularly imprinted polymers. Talanta 236, 122875.
Xie J., Li H., Wang S., Chen H., Jiang W., Zhang L., Wang L., Wu Y., Li L., Lu X.*, 2022. Removal and fate of carbamazepine in the microbial fuel cell coupled constructed wetland system, Environmental Engineering Research 27(3), 210119.
Gao N., Yang L., Lu X., Duan Z., Zhu L., Feng J.*, 2022. A review of interactions of microplastics and typical pollutants from toxicokinetics and toxicodynamics perspective. Journal of Hazardous Materials 432, 128736.
Li C., Cui Q., Li Y., Zhang K., Lu X., Zhang Y.*, 2022. Effect of LDPE and biodegradable PBAT primary microplastics on bacterial community after four months of soil incubation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 429, 128353.
Han X., Wang S., Yu X., Vogt R. D., Feng J., Zhai L., Ma W., Zhu L., Lu X.*, 2021. Kinetics and size effects on ddsorption of Cu(II), Cr(III), and Pb(II) onto polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyethylene terephthalate microplastic particles. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 785146.
Han X., Vogt R.D., Zhou J., Zheng B.,Yu X., Feng J. and Lu X.*, 2021. Increased Cu(II) adsorption onto UV-aged polyethylene, polypropylene, and polyethylene terephthalate microplastic particles in seawater. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 770606.
Li X., Han X., Vogt R.D., Zhou J., Zheng B., Zhang Y., Tu J., Song Y., Lu X.*, 2021. Polyethylene terephthalate and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in surface and core sediments of Bohai Bay, China: Occurrence and ecological risk. Chemosphere, 286, 131904.
Li Y., Li H., Lu X.*, 2021. Effect of biochar applications on soil phosphorus availability under different soil moisture levels. Canadian Journal of Soil Science 102, 155-163.
Mo X., Li H., Lian Y., Zheng B., Dong J., Lu X.*, 2021. Estimation of soil microplastic input derived from plastic gauze using a simplified model, Science of the Total Environment 793, 148577.
Li H., Lu X.*, Wang S., Zheng B., Xu Y., 2021. Vertical migration of microplastics along soil profile under different crop root systems, Environmental Pollution 278, 116833.
Li X., Han X., Vogt R.D., Zhou J., Zheng B., Song Y., Lu X.*, 2021. Distributions, temporal trends and ecological risks of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and di-(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) in sediments of Jiaozhou Bay, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin 165, 112176.
Zhang X., Lu X.*, Li H., 2021. Isolation and identification of a novel allelochemical from Ruppia maritima extract against the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa, Environmental Technology & Innovation 21, 101301.
Li C., Cui Q., Zhang M., Vogt D. R., Lu X.*, 2021. A commonly available and easily assembled device for extraction of bio/non-degradable microplastics from soil by flotation in NaBr solution, Science of the Total Environment 759, 143482.
Li H., Li Y., Xu Y., Lu X.*, 2020. Biochar phosphorus fertilizer effects on soil phosphorus availability, Chemosphere 244, 125471.
Lu X.*, Vogt R. D., Li H., Han S., Mo X., Zhang Y., Ullah S., Chen C., Han X., 2019. China’s ineffective plastic solution to haze, Science 364 (6446), 1145.
Li H., Lu X.*, Xu Y., Liu H., 2019. How close is artificial biochar aging to natural biochar aging in fields? A meta-analysis, Geoderma 352, 96-103.
Han X., Lu X.*, Vogt R. D., 2019. An optimized density-based approach for extracting microplastics from soil and sediment samples, Environmental Pollution 254, 113009.
Lu X.*, Zhou B., Vogt R. D., Seip H. M., Xin Z., Ekengren Ö., 2016. Rethinking China’s water policy: the worst water quality despite the most stringent standards, Water International, DOI: 10.1080/02508060.2016.1219188
Zhang Y., Lu X.*, Shao X., Chen C., Li X., Zhao F., Li G., Matsumoto E., 2016. Temporal variation of sedimentation rates and potential factors influencing those rates over the last 100 years in Bohai Bay, China, Science of the Total Environment 572, 68-76.
Zhang Y., Lu X.*, Shao X., Liu H., Xing M., Zhao F., Li X., Yuan M., 2015.Influence of sedimentation rate on the metal contamination in sediments of Bohai Bay, China, Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 95, 507–512.
Han M., Lu X.*, Zhao C., Ran L., Han S., 2015. Characterization and source apportionment of volatile organic compounds in urban and suburban Tianjin, China, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 32, 439–444.
Lu X.*, Zhang Y., Liu H., Xing M., Shao X., Zhao F., Li X., Liu Q., Yu D., Yuan X., Yuan M., 2014.Influence of early diagenesis on the vertical distribution of metal forms in sediments of Bohai Bay, China, Marine Pollution Bulletin 88, 155–161.
Zhang Y., Lu X.*, Liu H., Liu Q., Yu D., 2014. Identifying the sources of organic matter in marine and riverine sediments of Bohai Bay and its catchment using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes, Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00343-015-4068-z, 1-6.
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Wen J., Lu X., 2010. Eco-industrial parks and application of corporate environmental management information system in China, In: Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems: Advancements and Trends (Eds. Teuteberg F., Gomez J. M.), IGI Global, Hershey USA, 395-408.
Wen J., Chang W., Feng Z., Lu X., Sun T., Lin X., Jin M., 2013. The methodology and practice of sustainable development indicator system construction for an eco-City, In: Developing Sustainability (Eds. Comby J., Eames K. A. T., Guılhéry L., Gómez J. M., Öktem A. U., Tırlonı V.), Istanbul Bilgi Unıversıty Press, 185-196.
2009年, “天津市优秀留学人员”, 天津市委、市政府。