新型有机膜制备及表征 (Novel organic membrane fabrication and evaluation);
复合膜制备及表征 (Novel composite membrane fabrication and evaluation);
膜法高盐废水处理及资源化 (Brine water treatment and resource recycle by membrane technologies);
膜蒸馏 (Membrane distillation);
正渗透 (Forward osmosis);
萃取膜生物反应器 (Extractive membrane bioreactor)
教育背景 (Education background)
2003.08-2007.07 北京化工大学 (Beijing University of Chemical Technology) 高分子材料科学与工程 (Macromolecular material science and engineering) 工程学士 (Bachelor)
2007.09-2010.06 北京化工大学 (Beijing University of Chemical Technology) 材料科学与工程 (Material science and engineering) 工程硕士 (Bachelor)
2010.08-2014.08 南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University) 土木与环境工程学院 (Civil and environmental engineering) 环境工程系 (Environmental Engineering) 获博士学位 (Ph.D)
科研教学经历 (Research background)
2014.08-2018.03 南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University) 南洋环境与水研究中心(Nanyang environmental and water research institute) 新加坡膜技术中心(Singapore membrane technology center) 博士后研究员 (Research Fellow)
2018.04-至今(till now) 学院(Nankai University) 澳门永利最老登录入口(College of Environmental science and engineering) 副教授(Associate Professor)
科研项目(Research Projects)
1. 学院—沧州渤海新区绿色化工研究院培育基金,针对高盐有机废水处理的萃取膜生物反应器-膜蒸馏耦合系统中膜的研发及其性能优化,主持,在研
2. 碧水源横向项目,波纹膜在膜蒸馏及萃取膜生物反应器中的应用,主持,在研
3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 面向萃取膜生物反应器的高效纳米纤维复合膜构建及其抗污染性能的构效关系研究,主持,在研
4. 天津市自然科学基金绿色通道项目, 针对膜蒸馏过程制备超疏水疏油膜及其抗污染性能的研究, 主持,结题
(1) Guoyu Yuan, Yuxiao Tian, Bingxin Wang, Xiaofei You, Yuan Liao*,Mitigation of membrane biofouling via immobilizing Ag-MOFs on composite membrane surface for extractive membrane bioreactor,Water Research,2022,209,117940. (一区)
(2) Xiangjun Liao, Pan Dai, Yuqi Wang, Xiaocheng Zhang, Yuan Liao*, Xiaofei You, Abdul Ghani Razaqpur*,Engineering anti-scaling superhydrophobic membranes for photothermal membrane distillation,Journal of Membrane Science,2022,650,120423. (一区)
(3) Jue Han, Sihao Chen, Xiaofei You, Yuan Liao*, Jinhui Jeanne Huang*, Abdul Ghani Razaqpur*,Acid mine drainage treatment by fertilizer drawn forward osmosis for irrigation,Resources, Conservation and Recycling,2022,186,106574. (一区)
(4) Abdul Ghani Razaqpur, Yuqi Wang, Xiangjun Liao, Yuan Liao*, Rong Wang,Progress of photothermal membrane distillation for decentralized desalination: A review,Water research, 2021, 201, 117299. (一区)
(5) Xiangjun Liao, Kunli Goh, Yuan Liao*, Rong Wang, Abdul Ghani Razaqpur*,Bio-inspired super liquid-repellent membranes for membrane distillation: Mechanisms, fabrications and applications,Advances in Colloid and Interface Science,2021,297,102547. (一区)
(6) Xiangjun Liao, Yuqi Wang, Yuan Liao*, Xiaofei You, Lei Yao, Abdul Ghani Razaqpur*,Effects of different surfactant properties on anti-wetting behaviours of an omniphobic membrane in membrane distillation,Journal of membrane Science, 2021, 635, 119433. (一区)
(7) Guangtai Zheng, Lei Yao, Xiaofei You, Yuan Liao*, Rong Wang, Jinhui Jeanne Huang*,Effects of different secondary nano-scaled roughness on the properties of omniphobic membranes for brine treatment using membrane distillation,Journal of membrane science, 2021, 620, 118918.(一区)
(8) J. J. Huang, Y. Tian, L. Chen, Y. Liao*, M. Tian, X. F. You, R. Wang, Electrospray-printed three-tiered composite membranes with enhanced mass transfer coefficients for phenol removal in an aqueous-aqueous membrane extractive process, Environmental Science & Technology 2020. (一区)
(9) Y. Liao*, G. T. Zheng, J. J. Huang**, M. Tian, R. Wang, Development of robust and superhydrophobic membranes to mitigate membrane scaling and fouling in membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science 601 (2020) 117962. (一区)
(10) Y. Liao, C. H. Loh, M. Tian, R. Wang*, A.G. Fane, Progress in electrospun polymeric nanofibrous membranes for water treatment: fabrication, modification and applications, Progress in Polymer Science, 2018, 77: 69-94. (一区)
荣誉与奖励 (Award)
1.2019 天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第三层次
2.2015 世界未来基金环境与可持续发展博士论文奖 (World Future Foundation PhD Prize in Environmental and Sustainability Research)
3.2014 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 (Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad)
4.2014 膜科学方向年度最佳论文 (Annual Award for the best published journal paper on Membrane Science and Engineering)
5.2011 新加坡国家研究基金-环境与水技术博士奖学金(Singapore Government National Research Foundation-Environment and Water Technologies (NRF-EWT) Ph.D Scholarship)