



邮箱: bwang@nankai.edu.cn


新型工业用大型平板膜生物反应器(Membrane BioReactor, MBR

新型卷式膜进水隔网设计与应用(Feed Spacer

力学信号对微生物成膜行为的分子生物学机制(Molecular biological mechanism of mechanical signals promoting on microbial biofilm-forming behavior

绿色节能建筑内的传热及流动机制研究(Heat transfer and flow mechanism in green and energy-saving buildings


采用CFDComputational Fluid Dynamics)流体力学计算模拟与实验相结合的方法对工程领域的多相混合流动及传热现象进行物理场模拟



2004.09-2008.06 天津大学应用化学,学士

2008.09-2010.06 天津大学化学工程,硕士

2010.08-2015.08 美国新泽西理工大学化学工程,博士


2016.06-2019.09 中国科学院城市环境研究所,助理研究员

2019.11-至今   澳门永利最老登录入口,副教授




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2022/01-2024/12,在研,主持。

2. 宁波市2018年“3315计划”B类创新团队项目,2019/01-2022/12,在研,主持。

3. 横向项目,2020/09-2022/04,在研,主持。

4. 福建省自然科学基金青年项目,2019/04-2021/04,已完成,主持。

5. 美国国家环保署(EPA)项目,2013/01-2015/12,主要负责人。

6. 美国默沙东公司( Merck )项目,2011/01-2014/12,主要负责人。



1.      Yu J, Chen D, Wang B*. Performance Optimization of Spiral-wound Membrane Modules Feed Spacer Based on CFD.Desalination. 2022, 540, 115980.IF=11.211,一区)

2.      Wang B, Zhang K*, Field R. Innovation and Optimization of Aeration in Free Bubbling Flat Sheet MBRs. Journal of Membrane Science. 2022,635:119522.IF=10.53,一区)

3.      Wang B*, Zhang Y, Fang Y. Aeration Pipe Design for Free Bubbling Hydrodynamic Optimization of Flat Sheet MBRs. Journal of Membrane Science. 2022, 646, 120222.IF=10.53,一区)

4.      Wang B, Zhang K*, Field R. Slug Bubbling in Flat Sheet MBRs: Hydrodynamic Optimization of Membrane Design Variables through Computational and Experimental Studies. Journal of Membrane Science. 2018,548: 165-175. IF=10.53,一区)

5.      Wang B, Zhang K*, Field R. Optimization of Aeration Variables in a Commercial Large-scale Flat-sheet MBR Operated with Slug Bubbling. Journal of Membrane Science. 2018,567: 181-190.IF=10.53,一区)

6.      Chen D#, Wang B#, Sirkar K*. Hydrodynamic Modeling of Porous Hollow Fiber Anti-solvent Crystallizer for Continuous Production of Drug Crystals. Journal of Membrane Science. 2018,556: 185-195.IF=10.53,一区)

7.      Gao X#, Wang B#, Chen D*, et al. Fluid Dynamic and Heat Transfer Simulations of Solid Hollow Fiber Cooling Crystallizer for Continuous Synthesis of Drug Nanoparticles. Crystal Growth & Design. 2020, 20, 6, 4020–4029. IF=4.089,一区)

8.      Wang B, Zhang K*, Field R. Novel Economical Three-stage Slug Bubbling Process in a Large-scale Flat-sheet MBR of Double Deck Configuration. AIChE Journal. 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/aic.16501.IF=3.519,二区)

9.      Wang B, Zhang K*, Field R. Novel Aeration of a Large-Scale Flat Sheet MBR: a CFD and Experimental Investigation. AIChE Journal. 2018, 64: 2721-2736.IF=3.519,二区)

10.   Zhou X1, Wang B1, Chen D*, et al. An Extended Duration Operation for Porous Hollow Fiber-Based Antisolvent Crystallization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2019, 58, 12431−12437. IF= 3.573,二区)

11.   Xiao N1, Wang B1, Huang JH*. Hydrodynamic optimization for design and operating parameters of an innovative continuous-flow miniaturized MFC biosensor, Chemical Engineering Science. 2021, 235, 116505. IF= 3.871,二区)

12.   Yuan Fang, Bing Wang*, Robert Field. Wastewater treatment in large-scale novel corrugated-sheet MBR. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2022, 50, 103215.IF=7.34,二区)

13.   Zhang G, Wang B*, Razaqpur G. Thermal Performance of A Novel Building Wall Incorporating A Dynamic Phase Change Material Layer for Efficient Utilization of Passive Solar Energy. Construction and Building Materials. 2022, 317, 126017. IF=6.141,二区)

14.   Wang B, Bredael G, Armenante P*. Computational Hydrodynamic Comparison of a Mini Vessel and a USP 2 Dissolution Testing System to Predict the Dynamic Operating Conditions for Similarity of Dissolution Performance. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2018, 539: 112-130.IF=4.845,二区)

15.   Wang B, Armenante P*. Experimental and Computational Determination of the Hydrodynamics of Mini Vessel Dissolution Testing Systems. International Journal of Pharmaceutics. 2016, 510 (1):336-349. IF=4.845,二区)

16.   Wang B, G. Bredael, Armenante P*. Effect of a Fiber-Optic Probe on the Dissolution of Salicylic Acid Tablets in USP Acid Tablets in USP Apparatus 2. Dissolution Technologies. 2013, 20 (2): 21-30.IF=0.915,四区)

17.   王冰.板式萃取塔降液管结构变化对传质影响的CFD研究. 全国化学工程与生物化工年会. 第六届全国化学工程与生物化工年会论文集. 2010.

18. 王冰*. 新工科背景下全英文课程教学的探索与研究. 高教学刊. 2021, 12.(中文核心期刊)


19.    Zhou X, Zhu X, Wang B, Li J, Liu Q, Gao X, Sirka K K*, Chen D*, Continuous production of drug nanocrystals by porous hollow fiber-based anti-solvent crystallization, Journal of Membrane Science, 2018,564,682-690. IF=10.53,一区)

20.   Liu Q1, Zhu X1, Wang B, Zhou X, Liu C, Gao X, Sirkar K K, Chen D, Continuous synthesis of drug nanocrystals by solid hollow fiber cooling crystallization, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2020, 576, 118978. IF= 4.845,二区)

21.   Duan C, Wang B, Liu C, Yuan X. Flow Pattern Optimization of a Sieve Plate Extraction Column Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations and Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013, 52 (10): 3858-3867. IF= 3.573,二区)

22.  Zhao L, Wang B, Armenante P, Conmy R, Boufadel C. Characterization of Turbulent Properties in the EPA Baffled Flask for Dispersion Effectiveness Testing. Journal of Environmental Engineering. 2016, 142 (1).IF=1.264,四区)


1. 发明:“一种应用于平板膜生物反应器的活塞流曝气装置”201711391453.1

2. 发明:“用实壁纤维管束结晶器制丙烯酸树脂包覆纳米药物的方法”2017100951528

3. 发明:“聚合物包覆纳米药物制备装置与制备方法”2017100951617

4. 实用新型:“丙烯酸树脂包覆纳米药物的制备装置”2017201595920

5. 实用新型:“一种聚合物包覆纳米药物制备装置”2017201586739

6. 实用新型:“一种双层玻璃窗户和相变材料墙组合的围护结构”202120514484.7

7. 实用新型:“一种新型动态相变材料墙结构”ZL202023316129.3

8. 实用新型:“一种新型流线开孔式抗污染型进水隔网”

9. 实用新型:“一种新型流线式低压降进水隔网”

10. 实用新型:“一种格构式再生混凝土节能墙体”2021102370910
