2010.09-2014.07 中国地质大学(北京) 材料科学与工程学院 学士
2014.09-2019.07 中国科学院化学研究所 硕博连读(导师:韩布兴院士)
2019.07-2022.07 中南民族大学,预备师资
2022.07-至今 澳门永利最老登录入口 讲师
Green Chemistry,Chemical Communications等期刊审稿人,Frontiers in Chemistry期刊客座编辑.
1. Pt-酸双功能催化体系的构建及其用于乙酰丙酸合成吡咯烷的研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,主持,2020;
2. 碳基催化材料的构建及其在生物质衍生物氧化方面的应用研究,学院青年教师研究项目,主持,2023;
3. 木质素衍生物氧化断键及其官能团化研究,天津市青年基金项目,主持,2022.
1. Z. Wang, C. Xie*, X. Li, J, Nie, H. Yang*, Z. Zhang*, Amberlyst-15 supported zirconium sulfonate as an efficient catalyst for Meerwein-Ponndorf-Verley reductions, Chem. Commun., 2022, 58, 4067-4070. (Featured in Synfacts)
2. C. Xie, L. Lin, L. Huang, Z. Wang, Z. Jiang, Z. Zhang*, B. Han*, Zn-Nx sites on N-doped carbon for aerobic oxidative cleavage and esterification of C(CO)-C bonds, Nature Commun., 2021, 12, 4823. (Featured in Nature Communications Editors’ Highlights webpage)
3. C. Xie, J. Song*, M. Hua, Y. Hu, X. Huang, H. Wu, G. Yang, B. Han*, Ambient-Temperature Synthesis of Primary Amines via Reductive Amination of Carbonyl Compounds, ACS Catal., 2020, 10, 7763-7772.
4. C. Xie, J. Song*, H. Wu, Y. Hu, H. Liu, Z. Zhang, P. Zhang, B. Chen, B. Han*, Ambient Reductive Amination of Levulinic Acid to Pyrrolidones over Pt Nanocatalysts on Porous TiO2 Nanosheets. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2019, 141, 4002-4009. (Featured in Synfacts)
5.C. Xie, J. Song*, H. Wu, Y. Hu, H. Liu, Y. Yang, Z. Zhang, B. Chen, B. Han*, Naturally occurring gallic acid derived multifunctional porous polymers for highly efficient CO2 conversion and I2 capture. Green Chem., 2018, 20, 4655-4661.
6. C. Xie, J. Song*, H. Wu, B. Zhou, C. Wu, B. Han*, Natural Product Glycine Betaine as an Efficient Catalyst for Transformation of CO2 with Amines to Synthesize N-Substituted Compounds, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2017, 5, 7086-7092.
7. C. Xie, J. Song*, B. Zhou, J. Hu, Z. Zhang, P. Zhang, Z. Jiang, B. Han*, Porous Hafnium Phosphonate: Novel Heterogeneous Catalyst for Conversion of Levulinic Acid and Esters into γ‑Valerolactone, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng., 2016, 4, 6231-6236.